
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I Believe.

Illumination. The Holocaust Museum. The Smithsonian. Washington Monument. Lincoln Memorial. I sit here in Arlington National Park, as the sun illuminates downtown D.C, and I, with my bird's eye view atop this green grassy knoll, bid my farewell to my country's capitol.

I waited in line close to an hour to view our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. Screaming kids, yelling teenagers, loud noises, but to me, it was holy ground, God-breathed and inspired. "John Hancock" was written at the top of each major document in a bold strong stroke of hand, in defiance of a government that had no respect for its people, a government that trampled upon his rights, a government that had turned sour on the New World people.

Although today's government is confusing, and perhaps frustrating, I still believe in the people. I still believe in the process. I still believe in democracy.

~Saturday, May 20, 2006


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