
Monday, May 22, 2006

AI event on our college campus!

NEWSFLASH from a week ago :) but I still have to post it anyway to show what we are doing on our campus!!!!

College students and faculty are calling attention to the genocide in Darfur during two events on Thursday, May 18. From 5:30-6:30 p.m. Amnesty International will sponsor a teach-in and postcard-writing campaign on the lawn in front of the SAC. The teach-in will intersperse African music and information on the history and current status of the Darfur conflict. Kyle ***, Angie ****, Alma ***, Greg ***, Janelle ****, Charis ****, Katie ****, and Terrie **** are among the speakers for the teach-in.

Amnesty International will provide ice cream (donation requested) and will be selling T-shirts and wristbands to benefit the refugees in Darfur.

Jen ***, Amnesty International President, said, "this event is to generate further awareness of the people in Africa and the mass genocide taking place. The goal of Amnesty International is to give each person the right to life and equality on a humane level. Come join us as we eat ice-cream, fellowship, and learn. Although peace agreements have been reached on some level in Darfur, there is a likelihood that the government there is trying to quiet down the international community's campaign to stop the Genocide. What we need to do is reach our hands across the world and say, 'Never again!'"

From 7-8 p.m., psychology professor Angie **** will give an overview of the Darfur situation and show a short film in CSP 154 (Murdock Lecture Hall).


At 6:22 PM, Blogger Brandon said...

Twas a good event - not an earthshattering turnout, but not a dissapointment either by any means! Thanks for organizing it Jen!

Big kudos to Janelle and Cheris as well :)


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